Twitter! YAY!

Image result for twitter My EOTO project was about Twitter, I really enjoyed researching the app because it is an app that i use often and on the daily.  The app was created by two ex-Google employees in an apartment with their friends. They originally planned to create an app in order for people to share podcasts, but then Apple soon released their podcast app and they knew that their app could not compete with Apple so they moved their minds on to a different app that they had an idea for called Twtr. The site was originally made to be a SMS app but in groups; one message sent to lots of people at one time. The app was essentially a giant group chat but the messages had to be short and remain under 140 characters. Over the time the app evolved into the groups being followers and people shared whatever was happening in their lives.

The apps biggest role within society is its use within politics and journalism. Campaigns often depend greatly on the use of social media to share messages but the biggest is twitter because it is instant and live. Which is exactly why it has changed the game for journalist. They are able tweet out pictures, videos and even share articles instantly. This is very useful in storms, court cases and once again politics. Twitter is also useful for entertainment and humor which is what it is more often used for by younger audiences.


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