EOTO Round 2

I was actually really excited to see that my group had gotten the overall topic of policy and I instantly called dibs on net neutrality. I called dibs on it because it was one of the topics that got me interested in politics. I remember being a senior in high school who didn't care about politics, and then I took AP gov&politics and woooo was my mind blown at how interesting politics actually where. Around that same time the whole ordeal about net neutrality was happening. In case you're wondering what went down, let me enlighten you.
Net neutrality is basically the "rule" that internet service provides have to treat all sites the same and cant change how fast or slow you access a site. We had net neutrality during the Obama era and all was grand. When Trump showed up he changed staffing around in that department and bye bye went net neutrality. Now the only stipulation service providers have is that they have to inform the user of the change in speed to certain sites.
Now although most service providers pinky promised that they would keep things the same (and they have, hint why your internet works the same), they could if they wanted to just completely block sites like your public middle schools library computers did.  This could cause problems for growth of sites that could cause competition to the company, or even if they just were not on good terms with a company. This is not great for us users because this could also up costs of using the internet in order to have free range access to the world wide web. Now while its unknown if we will get net neutrality back, it is good to understand how it works, so if your internet service provider does you dirty you know why.


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