Communications News Post #1

This article had a lot of interesting points that were made through out. The article is talking about a couple who make wedding videos in Minnesota. However they do not want to offer their services to same sex weddings as it does not align with their personal beliefs. This caused problems because the state of Minnesota said that they could not discriminate who they made videos for, and they argued back that doing so was a violation of their first amendment right. Later in the article the couple claims that they have stated that they would gladly work with anyone no matter the sexual orientation, gender, race, etc. So them saying that was very interesting to me because it contradicted everything they were fighting about. the state of Minnesota later went on to say that they had to make the video of a paying customer and make it in the same positive light that they would make a straight marriage wedding video. The couple and the state continued to argue back and forth and eventually landed on the fact that same sex marriages have other options of people making wedding videos that were not against it and that the law simply says that people having a same sex wedding just needed to have available options that everyone else had.


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