New Innovations in Music Streaming

Team Spotify? Team Apple Music? While they both do essentially the same thing, there is a nice little rivalry between them. If you are to ask just about anyone under the age of 40 they probably have a preference. Now it wasn't always this way, back in the day aka a solid 6 years ago most people used a magical little app called ~pandora~. Pandora was essentially an app that created a playlist or as they called it a radio based on a song or artist you liked and thats what you listened to. However, this app gave users little control over the music that was being played. You never knew what it was going to play and when you wanted a specific song you had to play a "radio" based off that song and hope and pray that the song you wanted to listen to would play. If you were an apple user, you had iTunes but you had to purchase every. single. song. that you wanted to hear. Because of these problems Spotify was born and much later came apple music in 2015.

Spotify has been around since 2008 but did not gain popularity until later on around 2014. Spotify has 2 versions a free one that makes playlists based on the music you like similar to pandora but you can also create your own playlists so you know exactly what is being played however you do not get to play any song when ever you want and you have to have some sort of internet access with of course ads. Premium, does all the above but you can play any song at anytime and save songs to allow access for offline use and the best part... NO ADS! 

While Spotify is my personal favorite, a lot of people like apple music and on there you have to make your own playlists and you can save whatever songs you want, but you do have to pay for apple music in order to have access there isn't a free version.  Overall, neither one of these apps would have the success they have now if it wasn't for the faults of pandora. And if you take anything, anything at all from the blog it is that Spotify is indeed BETTER than apple music.


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