1 Amendment...8 Freedoms

#8 Protecting Dissent

One of the 8 freedoms that the first amendment grants us is the protection of dissent, AKA having a minority opinion or just straight up having an opposing opinion in general. I think this is a super important freedom to have because being able to disagree with something shouldn't be questioned or seen as a threat. While I think it is pretty clear that we can disagree with someone, but them getting upset over it and trying to make a case against really isn't realistic because the first amendment protects us from that!  If we were to agree with everything that the government did and said then change would probably never happen. That is not a good thing since the world around us is constantly evolving and we also would not have very much control of our lives.

I personally am the kind of person to play devils advocate and I tend to think the opposite of the majority, because frankly that just keeps life a little interesting ( that also could just be the 8 in me).
While I do feel that all of the other freedoms granted to us, I really enjoy this one cause it is something that can be assumed but is something that we do not think about needing do be protected, since disagreeing is a normal human response.


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