Life on the Internet

I think because people my age grew up with the internet, we never really worried about whether or not we should keep much of our lives hidden. Growing up, i wasn't allowed to have any social media until i was around a teen which is understandable. However, for the famous celebrity type, they aren't too shy about sharing they lives of their children and even make instagrams for them the moment they are born. This might be because of the fact that their whole lives are already out for the whole world to see.
However, I think parents like my own kept me offline for what i imagine to be safety reason. However now that i'm older and make my own decisions about what i post on the wide web about myself I try to keep it pretty vague and just kinda stereotypical for someone my age. Also ive come to the time in my life where things need to be kept nice and clean since employers look at that kind of stuff. So while I am probably easily found on the internet but i also try to keep things pretty basic.


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