Privacy? Don't know her.

Watching the Ted Talks was quite the adventure. I was expecting to hear of ways that our privacy is protected and so on. Instead I heard the opposite. It amazed me that talk after talk I learned of a new way that the government knows everything about me and how even if something about me gets posted that is malicious there isn't really much you can do about it. 

It amazed me that even though I have done nothing wrong, my cars license played is just being scanned and stored left and right all over the It also is crazy to think that they know where I've been and what interactions and placed I have and go. Now this is something I have noticed my phones map app does, it has learned my schedule and knows where am going everyday. What i did find enlightening was the fact that Apple is working to make its apps like messenger and face time much more private and that that information doesn't get shared and that we are encouraged to use those more because they are one way to keep our normal lives a little more private than we think.

The talk that upset me was the one told by the woman who got the most extreme form of cyber bullying happen to her. It upset me because there weren't any laws that could help her fix the problem quickly. She had to jump through a lot of hoops and face quite a bit of embarrassment. So it was great to hear that the Jamaican gov/police actually arrested the man who was abusing her. I think this is a big deal because there should be more protections for these kind of situations.


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