
Privacy? Don't know her.

Watching the Ted Talks was quite the adventure. I was expecting to hear of ways that our privacy is protected and so on. Instead I heard the opposite. It amazed me that talk after talk I learned of a new way that the government knows everything about me and how even if something about me gets posted that is malicious there isn't really much you can do about it.  It amazed me that even though I have done nothing wrong, my cars license played is just being scanned and stored left and right all over the It also is crazy to think that they know where I've been and what interactions and placed I have and go. Now this is something I have noticed my phones map app does, it has learned my schedule and knows where am going everyday. What i did find enlightening was the fact that Apple is working to make its apps like messenger and face time much more private and that that information doesn't get shared and that we are encouraged to use those more because they

Confirmation Bias...

ahhh good ole confirmation bias. The basic idea that you only believe and accept information that aligns with what you already think. I think this topic is so interesting and it was cool to see someone else talk about it and give their point of view. I personally think we are all a little guilty of giving into confirmation bias, like why in the world would I even consider thinking about something that I don't agree with?! Confirmation bias is something that I have noticed that social media algorithms essentially feed us. As I scroll through twitter I always see the same points of view, and information that I agree with. If I want to see the opposing view I have to search for it. So while we may not always purposefully give in to the confirmation bias, it is good to be aware of it and if you like it that way then great! but it is also good to know all sides and be well informed.

EOTO Round 2

I was actually really excited to see that my group had gotten the overall topic of policy and I instantly called dibs on net neutrality. I called dibs on it because it was one of the topics that got me interested in politics. I remember being a senior in high school who didn't care about politics, and then I took AP gov&politics and woooo was my mind blown at how interesting politics actually where. Around that same time the whole ordeal about net neutrality was happening. In case you're wondering what went down, let me enlighten you. Net neutrality is basically the "rule" that internet service provides have to treat all sites the same and cant change how fast or slow you access a site. We had net neutrality during the Obama era and all was grand. When Trump showed up he changed staffing around in that department and bye bye went net neutrality. Now the only stipulation service providers have is that they have to inform the user of the change in speed to cer

Life on the Internet

I think because people my age grew up with the internet, we never really worried about whether or not we should keep much of our lives hidden. Growing up, i wasn't allowed to have any social media until i was around a teen which is understandable. However, for the famous celebrity type, they aren't too shy about sharing they lives of their children and even make instagrams for them the moment they are born. This might be because of the fact that their whole lives are already out for the whole world to see. However, I think parents like my own kept me offline for what i imagine to be safety reason. However now that i'm older and make my own decisions about what i post on the wide web about myself I try to keep it pretty vague and just kinda stereotypical for someone my age. Also ive come to the time in my life where things need to be kept nice and clean since employers look at that kind of stuff. So while I am probably easily found on the internet but i also try to keep thi

New Innovations in Music Streaming

Team Spotify? Team Apple Music? While they both do essentially the same thing, there is a nice little rivalry between them. If you are to ask just about anyone under the age of 40 they probably have a preference. Now it wasn't always this way, back in the day aka a solid 6 years ago most people used a magical little app called ~pandora~. Pandora was essentially an app that created a playlist or as they called it a radio based on a song or artist you liked and thats what you listened to. However, this app gave users little control over the music that was being played. You never knew what it was going to play and when you wanted a specific song you had to play a "radio" based off that song and hope and pray that the song you wanted to listen to would play. If you were an apple user, you had iTunes but you had to purchase every. single. song. that you wanted to hear. Because of these problems Spotify was born and much later came apple music in 2015. Spotify has b

1 Amendment...8 Freedoms

#8 Protecting Dissent One of the 8 freedoms that the first amendment grants us is the protection of dissent, AKA having a minority opinion or just straight up having an opposing opinion in general. I think this is a super important freedom to have because being able to disagree with something shouldn't be questioned or seen as a threat. While I think it is pretty clear that we can disagree with someone, but them getting upset over it and trying to make a case against really isn't realistic because the first amendment protects us from that!  If we were to agree with everything that the government did and said then change would probably never happen. That is not a good thing since the world around us is constantly evolving and we also would not have very much control of our lives. I personally am the kind of person to play devils advocate and I tend to think the opposite of the majority, because frankly that just keeps life a little interesting ( that also could just be the 8

Twitter! YAY!

 My EOTO project was about Twitter, I really enjoyed researching the app because it is an app that i use often and on the daily.  The app was created by two ex-Google employees in an apartment with their friends. They originally planned to create an app in order for people to share podcasts, but then Apple soon released their podcast app and they knew that their app could not compete with Apple so they moved their minds on to a different app that they had an idea for called Twtr. The site was originally made to be a SMS app but in groups; one message sent to lots of people at one time. The app was essentially a giant group chat but the messages had to be short and remain under 140 characters. Over the time the app evolved into the groups being followers and people shared whatever was happening in their lives. The apps biggest role within society is its use within politics and journalism. Campaigns often depend greatly on the use of social media to share messages but the biggest is tw